Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December

Well December is upon us once again. The radio stations have taken to playing Christmas music (one here in Denver even goes 24 Christmas the day after Thanksgiving), the Studio C cd went on sale this morning, and high school basketball is in full swing.

The bottom fell out of the thermometer here in lovely Colorado this last week; highs were in the low 30’s and lows in the pre-teens to teens. It was almost like being back in Iowa, except for the lack of ridiculous wind chill! Today has been a beautiful day with temps reaching into the 40’s and suuuuuunnnnshiiiinnneee!! Cassidy wrapped up his first JV basketball game; a pretty bad loss, but he seems to be taking it well. As he is only a freshman, he doesn’t seem to take the loss as personally as he would if he were starting or playing many more minutes. My dear wife is actually not working this weekend; she typically works at least one day on the weekends to catch up on the business at the shop. I think that she needs the break as the non-specific coughing she got from her sister a few months ago, has only gotten marginally better. Unfortunately, it was joined this week by the common cold or URI (upper resp. inf). Are we the only ones who think that since they changed the formula of cold medicine, it is not nearly as effective?!?!?!?!? Hopefully she will rest most of the day. Tomorrow is the “Annual Christmas Cookie Bake-a-thon” at my mother-in-laws. There will be many hundreds of Christmas cookies baked (sugar cookies, thumbprints, snicker doodles, and many others to be decided on later), as well as the obligatory confections that are tradition: chocolate kiss mice! There will be 4-8 people making cookies tomorrow, so that they can all share the dough.

I will be asleep, as I will have worked 16 hours, Saturday into Sunday, and then back in Sunday for an 8 hour overnight shift. Monday, after I get home from work, I will nap for a while then will finish packing for my “vacation” to Iowa for a week. Since I could be spending 5 weeks in Arkansas after the New Year, I need to go see my folks. I was able to see them for a few days in July at a Reunion, but other than that I haven’t seen them in almost a year. I would go after the Academy, but I am pretty sure I will want to spend some “quality time” with my wife after 5 weeks away! So I am going to see them now. Of course, I am a mule for Christmas presents, both ways. I don’t mind, but I am sure that I will have plenty of bubble wrap in my suitcase both directions, heh-heh! So will be good (?) to go back to Iowa for a while and enjoy (?) the predictably “balmy” weather…LOL!!!

AugiePete is again an uncle. In addition to Julian Filtersweep (on my side of the family), my sister-in-law (my wife’s sister) had her second child this week. Jasper joined his older sister Freya on Thursday; all are healthy and doing well.

BTW, my old employer called and wanted to schedule an interview for December 7. I will be in Iowa, so I was unable to commit to that interview. They elected to re-schedule it for me, but the only date they could get on or after December 11 is January 3. That would be 4 days before the start of my Academy. It seems that forces beyond my comprehension are gently guiding me to a decision. IF my former employer makes me an offer on that day, I could make a decision. I have a feeling, that like everything else they do, I will get a call from them during my last week of the Academy. I realistically doubt that they will be able to make an offer that will be worthy of my consideration and if they do, it may be too late!
The Happiest Day of My Life – Sept 2004
Cassidy is the redhead in the tux at the right of the pic.
Then – below 5’ 8”
Now – above 6’ 6”


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