Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well it is official. Tomorrow is my last day with my current employer. I passed my "federal employment" physical. Also, I have spent the last 10 days training my replacements. They are all smart enough and the work is fairly easily self-taught, so they will be fine. I think my "client" boss is going to miss me, he is taking me out for lunch tomorrow, my choice. I think I'll go where he always goes when salesmen take him out. I have been hearing about it for 3 years now, so it's about time (better be worth it)! I know that my supervisor from the large international security company (LISC) will not be sad to see me go, a feeling I'm sure is shared by his bosses. While I have been solid, reliable employee, I am not a "company" guy. I have worked the last 3 years looking out for the client, not for my employer (not that my employer was ever hurt or put out by my actions). The LISC is run much like the commercials with the chimpanzees, at least in my opinion. They do not have a spectacular record with common sense and logic, much less investment in quality equipment and personnel. A quick example is that many of our guards are armed (not illogical for transit security). My biggest issue is that with a requirement for prior law enforcement they should issue us weapons commensruate with the century, at least our weapons are not single action, hahahaha. The best plan would be to allow us to carry our own weapons providing they meet acceptable law enforcement standards, but NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO...we got underpowered, .38 revolvers. Anyway, this is in the past. Friday I will turn in my equipment to the LISC, my guard license to the City/County, and I will have my final (non-influential) skin test read and have the better part of a 3-day weekend. Friday will be relaxing and a haircut (gotta look sharp), Saturday will be 2 of my son's basketball games, and Sunday will be football and family! I guess there will be paperwork to fill out, so if there are no further posts for a few d/w's it will be because of writer's cramp!!!!! Special thanks, yet again, to my brother, we miss you and think of you often! Keep the family safe and sound!!!! Julian is a lucky kid to have you and Mrs. Filtersweep as parents!!!!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm Baaaaacccckkk!!!!!!
Well evidentally, someone did read my postings here and by request, I guess that I will begin posting again. As alluded to by another blogger, I am about to change jobs. My reign as "Big Brother" will come to an abrupt and much needed end. I have been, for the last 4.5 years, employed by one of the world's largest contract security companies; providing safety and security for a major metropolitan public transportation company. For the last 3 years I have been part of the most amazing surveillance operation I have seen (that is not attached to federal 3 letter agencies). Our job has been to observe patrons (for their safety) as they go about their daily commute. Incidental to that end, we also look for criminal activity and provide a more immediate response for "crimes against property." In other words, we call the cops when your car is being broken into, at least we try. Due to the "public" nature of my employer and their status as a contractor for this larger entity, I am (technically) not supposed to blog from their computer, nor am I allowed to reveal their secret identity!!!! Stay tuned....I will be moving to a federal job in a few days and will more accurately describe my "soon-to-be" employer(s). If you are wondering why I am leaving, that is relatively simple, but not short.

Why I Am Quitting My Job!
The short answer is that with my "worldly" employer, I recieve fair-to-middlin' pay for my time. It isn't great and it isn't horrible for the field. Contract security is typically not upper eschelon pay, but since the Client requires prior law enforcement background, this job pays quite a bit better than the average. OK, so pay is part of the equation, but pay isn't everything. BENEFITS on the other hand, ARE! My current benefit situation is this: mediocre medical, average dental, sub-standard vacation-sick leave-holidays, and no employer-assisted retirement. There will be a quiz at the end, so please pay attention. Those of you too poor to pay attention may apply for financial aid, heehee. Sorry! The World Wide Security Company (not the real company name) provides for its employees the following: complimentary uniforms and equipment, overpriced family medical (if you take the "self" option for insurance it isn't too bad as long as there is nothing really wrong with you), dental that covers all of your preventative (pronounced cheap) procedures and about 20% of baisc cosmetic procedures, and the kickers: 10 "use-or-lose" annual vacation days AND NO EMPLOYER MATCHED retirement. Now it is possible that it is just the regional office here, they have been behind the times for a LLLOOONNNNGGGGG time now and they are not informing us of the Corporate policies, but I doubt it. My "client" has SUPREMELY better benefits, but they can't add headcount to their company, not unless you can quantify how much money it will make/save the company, a little hard to do in security/surveillance. But that did not stop them from dangling the carrot in fromt of me for 2+ years.
So, after several months of soul (and want-ad) searching, I have accepted a position with a federal agency doing many of the same tasks; for more money, better benefits, and 20 vacation days within my first year (yes, they will rollover to next year as well). Additionally I can grow my goatee back, which makes both me and my wife a lot happier!!!!

1. AugiePete will be happier at his new job? True or False
2. AugiePete will add more information about his old employer and client after he stops working for them? True or False
3. AugiePete is a little "different?" True or False

Thanks for reading!!!!